Hubert Opperman for his 24 hours Land's End to John
O'Groats and 1,000 miles bicycle records accomplished in one ride,
16th/17th/18th July 1934. |
Frank W. Southall for his London to Brighton and Back
bicycle record on 24th August 1935 in 4 hrs. 38 mins. 27 secs. |
1936 - Edward J. Southcott
for his exceptional services in connection with the
representation of Great Britain in the Cycling Championship of the
Olympic Games at Berlin, 1936. |
- Sydney H. Ferris
for his bicycle records, Land's End to John O'Groats in 2 days 6
hrs. 33 mins., and 1,000 miles in 2 days 22 hrs. 40 mins. 17th/19th
July 1937. |
1938 - Frank J. Urry
for his outstanding work on behalf of cyclists
as a member of the Transport Advisory Council during 1938. |
Marguerite Wilson for her bicycle records, Land's End to
John O'Groats in 2 days 22 hrs. 52 mins. and 1,000 miles in 3 days
11 hrs. 44 mins. accomplished in one ride, 29th August - 2nd
September 1939. |
1940 - There was
no award. |
1941 - Arthur S. Gillott
for his outstanding services to cycling during 1941 in founding
the Institute of Cycle Traders and Repairers. |
1942 - there was no award. |
1943 - George Herbert Stancer
for untiring work on behalf of cyclists culminating in
the presentation of a National Testimonial in 1943. |
Frank Patterson
for his joyous delineation of the pastime of cycling for 51
years, and the pleasure his work has given in particular to cyclists
serving their country the world over during 1944. |
- there was no award. |
- Albert E. G. Derbyshire
for his outstanding series of time
trials during 1946 at 50 miles, 100 miles and 12 hours, which gained
for him among other honours four National Championships. |
- Reginald H. Harris for
his victory in the Amateur Sprint Cycling Championship of the World
at Paris on 27th July 1947. |
Gordon H. Basham for his outstanding performance in
winning the North Road Cycling Club's 24 hours' time trial,
21st/22nd August 1948, when he covered 454.5 miles, thereby gaining
the National Championship. His distance exceeded the previous
record by 9.75 miles. |
- Reginald H. Harris for his victory in the
Professional Sprint Cycling Championship of the World at Copenhagen
on 28th August 1949, during the first year of his professional
career. He is the first Englishman ever to win this title. |
Eileen Sheridan for creating a new high standard in
women's cycle racing with an outstanding series of three
championships and five record performances on the road in 1950. |
- Kenneth H. Joy
for his outstanding series of time trials in 1951 at 50 miles, 100
miles and 12 hours, which gained for him two National Championships
in both cases with record-breaking performances. |
Keith Bentley for his outstanding series of 50 miles time
trials in 1952 in which he won the National Championship, gained the
national competition record of 1 hr. 56 mins. 44 secs. and which
included four of the five fastest fifty miles rides of the year: all
inside two hours. |
- John F. Arnold.
for his outstanding unpaced 24 hours time trial on a tricycle of
457.33 miles in the Mersey Roads Club event 25th/26th July 1953, in
which he added thirty-five miles to the existing national
competition record.
Cyril F. Peacock for his victory in the World Amateur
Sprint Cycling Championship at Cologne on 29th August 1954. |
Norman Sheil for his victory in the World Amateur
Cycling Pursuit Championship at Milan on 2nd September 1955. |
Ray C. Booty for his superlative ride of 3 hrs. 58 mins.
28 secs. in the Bath Road Club 100 miles time trial of 1956, this
being the first time 100 miles had ever been ridden on a bicycle,
out and home, inside four hours. |
Albert Crimes for his tricycle record from Land's End to
John O'Groats in 2 days 12 hrs. 37 mins. on 16th/19th August 1957. |
- Reginald C. Shaw for his outstanding work on behalf of
cyclists culminating, through his initiative and persistence, in the
official adoption in 1958 of the National Safe Cycling Scheme for
training and testing child cyclists. |
Beryl Burton for her victory in the Women's World Amateur
Pursuit Cycling Championship in which year she was also British Time
Trial and Road Champion at all distances, best all-round woman
rider, and established a new national competition record of 250.375
miles in 12 hours. |
Beryl Burton for her double victory in the Women's World
Amateur Pursuit and Road Race Cycling Championships of 1960, in
which year she was again the National Champion at all the women's
road distances and for the second year in succession the best
all-round woman cyclist in Britain. |

1961 - Eileen Gray
or her work on behalf of women cyclists culminating in the
promotion of the Women's World Championships in Great Britain in
1961. |
- R. Frank Colden for his National Championship win in
the Bath Road Club 100 of 1962 in which his time of 3 hrs. 54 mins.
23 secs. beat the next competitor by 10 mins. 5 secs. and the
previous record by 4 mins. 5 secs. In this year he was also
National Champion at 50 miles and British Best All-Rounder with a
record average speed of 24.652 miles per hour. |
- Leslie K. Carter
for his outstanding service to cycling in
devising and organising the National Schoolboys' Championship
culminating in an entry of nearly two thousand riders in 1963. |
Alex Moulton for the wide encouragement given to cycling
by the production of the Moulton bicycle. |
Tom Simpson for his victory in the World Professional
Cycling Road Race Championship in Spain on 5th September 1965. He
is the first British rider ever to win this title. |
Arthur Metcalfe
for his unique achievement in winning both the British Best
All-Rounder Competition and the British Senior Amateur Road Race
Championship in 1966. |
- Beryl Burton
M.B.E. for her victory in the 1967
Women's World Amateur Road Race Championship and for her ride of
277.5 miles in a 12 hours time trial; the greatest distance ever
achieved in competition by man or woman. |
Hugh Porter for his victory in the World Professional
Cycling Pursuit Championship at Rome on 29th August 1968. |
- Roy Cromack for his outstanding performance in winning
the Mersey Roads Club 24 hours time trial, 26th/27th July 1969, when
he covered 507 miles to gain the National Championship, beating the
previous record and exceeding 500 miles for the first time. |
Benny Foster
for his outstanding services to British Cycling as
Director-Organiser of the 1970 World's Cycling Championships at
Leicester. |
Leslie West for his London to Portsmouth and Back
bicycle record in 6 hrs. 8 mins. 10 secs. on 19th September 1971. |
Eric Tremaine for his outstanding unpaced 24 hours time
trial on a tricycle of 457.89 miles in the North Road Cycling Club's
event, 26/27th August 1972 - a new national competition record. |
- William H.Townsend
for his outstanding services to cycling culminating in
his election in January 1973 as Chairman of the Road Time Trials
Council for the twenty-first time. |
- There was no award.
Phil Griffiths for his victory in the Best All-Rounder
Competition of the Road Time Trials Council, this being his third
victory and the second in succession. |
- Ron White for his untiring efforts over many years to
achieve a cycle-racing track at Harlow, culminating in the opening
of the track in 1976. |
- Arthur Campbell
for his services to British cycle racing at home and abroad
culminating in his appointment in 1977 as Chairman of the Technical
Commission of the Union Cycliste Internationale. |
- Leslie C.Warner
for his dedicated work over the past 25 years in the interests
of cyclists and of the defence and protection of their rights. |
Paul Carbutt for his Land's End to John O'Groats bicycle
record of 1 day 23 hrs. 23 mins. 1 sec. on 11th/12th July 1979. |
Tony Doyle for his victory in the World Professional
Cycling Pursuit Championship at Besancon, France, in 1980. |
Ian Cammish
for his outstanding series of 100 miles time trials in 1981,
being the five fastest rides of the year and in which he won the
National Championship in the national competition record time of 3
hrs. 38 mins. 39 secs. |
Mandy Jones for her victory in the Women's World Road
Race Championship at Goodwood on 4th September 1982. |
Alan Rushton for his initiative in organising city centre
cycle races in 1983 that led to their television presentation and so
to being seen by more than a million viewers. |
- there was no award. |
John Woodburn
for his outstanding time trial performances during the past 25
years including the Land's End to John O'Groats bicycle record of 1
day 21 hrs. 3 mins. 16 secs. in 1982, culminating in his winning of
the Veterans' Time Trials Association Best All-Rounder Championship
for the third time in 1985. |
- Jeremy Isaacs,
Head of Channel 4 Television, for that channel's coverage of the
Tour de France that attracted so many non-cyclists to the sport. |
- there was no award. |
- Ivy Thorp
in recognition of her dedicated work at local and national level
for the safety and welfare of all cyclists, culminating in 1988 on
the completion of seven years as President of the Cyclists' Touring
Club. |
Colin Sturgess for his win in the World Professional
Pursuit Championship at Lyons, France, in 1989 at the age of 20
years in his first season as a professional cyclist. |
Pete Longbottom whose outstanding 1990 season started
with fifth place in the Commonwealth Games Road Race in February,
later embraced victory in the 100 miles National Championship,
national competition record at 25 miles in 49 mins. 13 secs. and
R.R.A. 50 miles bicycle record in November of 1 hr. 30 mins. 14 secs. |
Glenn Longland for his 12 hours national competition
record of 300.08 miles to become the first rider to average more
than 25 m.p.h. when he won the Poole Wheelers event on 1st September
1991. This ride also ensured his second victory in the British Best
All-Rounder Competition. |
Chris Boardman
M.B.E. for his outstanding year of
success, crowned by his victory in the 4,000 metres Pursuit at the
1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, where he gained Britain's first
individual cycling gold medal since the 1908 London Games and during
the series set a World Record of 4 mins. 24.496 secs. |
Graeme Obree with his own novel and unconventional cycle
design and training, during a three month period in 1993, broke the
World Hour Record, became World Pursuit Champion in a World record
time, won the British Pursuit Championship, and the day after
breaking the 10 miles national competition record, won the 50 miles
National Championship by 9 mins. in competition record time. |
Sean Yates for his outstanding performances over many
years of cycle racing including the wearing of the race leader's
yellow jersey during the 1994 Tour de France and for his unselfish
support and work for team mates during a long professional career. |
Ron Kitching for his enthusiastic support and promotion
of all branches of cycling, including the generous backing for the
Centenary 50 to mark the anniversary of the first time trial in
1895. |
Andy Wilkinson who brought a new dimension to men's time
trials to win the British Best All-Rounder Competition for 1996 with
a record average speed of 28.236 m.p.h., setting national
competition records in each of his qualifying rides at 50 miles, 100
miles and 12 hours. |
John Helms, Warrington Road Club, the cartoonist whose
sense of humour has delighted cyclists for over 50 years. |
David Duffield in recognition of his unique ability in
the promotion of cycle sport through his television commentaries of
international cycle racing. |
Kevin Dawson for his all round cycle racing performances
during 1999, which included his fifth British Best All-Rounder
title, his win in the National 100 miles Championship and the silver
medal in the National Road Race Championship. |
Yvonne McGregor who for eight years successfully
competed at international level on road and track: she won a bronze
medal at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games and crowned her season by
becoming the Women's World Pursuit Champion. |
Nicole Cooke - Junior Women's World Road Race
Champion in 2000. She excelled in 2001 by winning gold medals in
the World Junior Women's Mountain Bike Cross Country, Time Trial and
Road Race Championships. |
Keith Butler who for many years has encouraged and
provided the opportunity for cyclists of all abilities to
participate in road racing, particularly through his outstanding
work for the Surrey Cycle Racing League. |
there was no award. |
Ron Webb for his work in the design of more than sixty
tracks worldwide including those at Manchester and Newport and which
have furthered the development of cycle racing in this country,
leading to British Olympic successes at Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004. |
Michael Hutchinson who became the first rider to win the
National Championships at 10, 25, 50, 100 miles and 12 hours,
together with the British Best All-Rounder title and the Time Trial
Series in the same season. |
- Gethin Butler for his second win in the Time Trial
Series thereby adding to a career with highlights including the
Land's End to John O'Groats and 1,000 miles bicycle records, two
British Best All-Rounder titles and 100 miles, 12 hours and 24 hours
National Championships. |
2007 - Peter King
for his management and leadership in reviving
the fortunes of British Cycling over the past decade. |
- Dave Brailsford C.B.E.
for his role as Performance Director of British Cycling
in leading the Great Britain Team to unprecedented success at the
2008 World Championships and the Beijing Olympic Games on road and
track. |
Julia Shaw who won the 2009 Women's National
Championships at 10, 25, 50, 100 miles, the British Best All-Rounder
Competition at a record average speed of 27.451 m.p.h. and for the
third successive year was crowned the Champion of Champions. |
Philip Heaton in recognition of his outstanding
contribution to the sport of cycling. |
Mark Cavendish M.B.E. for his outstanding performances in
2011 culminating in his victory in the World Elite Road Race
Championship. |
Bradley Wiggins
C.B.E. The first British rider to
win the mensTour de France. |
Dot Tilbury M.B.E. for her outstanding voluntary work
over many years to bring hundreds of young people into the sport of
cycling. |
- Matthew Bottrill
who won the Men's National Championships
at 10, 25 and 50 miles, the RTTC Circuit Championship, breaking
three competition records and being crowned Champion of Champions. |
- Phil Liggett M.B.E. for a lifetime of services to cycling. |